You’ve just been through a car accident

Welcome to, the right Web site if you or someone close to you has been injured in a motor vehicle is dedicated to providing you with valuable information and direct access to Minnesota’s “Know Your Rights” Attorneys™ at Sieben, Grose, Von Holtum & Carey, Ltd. For more than 50 years, we’ve helped thousands of people successfully navigate the immediate aftermath of a car accident while vigilantly protecting their rights in the future. Our promise to you:

  Straight Talk
We’ll talk honestly with you about all your options so no one will take advantage of you. That’s why 4 out of 5 of our clients are referred to us by friends or family.

  Aggressive Representation
Medical expenses, lost wages and damage to your car are obvious. But what about unforeseen complications? We’ll protect your interests – now and in the future.

  Affordable Excellence
The “Know Your Rights” Attorneys have earned the professional recognition you’d expect from a leading personal injury law firm. You can afford the best because we don’t get paid for your case until you recover — no surprises.

  Quick Action
This accident has already cost you enough! Someone is standing by now to talk with you about your concerns. Call or send an e-mail today.

We hope you find useful information here at

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